Sunday, April 6, 2008

A Literary Bone to Pick

ABR's Review of WESTERLY Vol 52 2007
Georgie Arnott's review of Westerly in ABR's April 2008 issue (there's even a date typo on the cover!) is less impressive than the poetry content she talks about. It's not hard to see that the four poets she praises are all from the Eastern States. Not one mention is given to a West Australian poet. Considering the recent struggles by Westerly to gain funding to continue/ or increase journal issues, and the tight squeeze for WA poets to get published in their state (although this writer sees the new literary journal 'indigo' as saviour!), this review, regretfully, shows a lack of sensitivity by focusing on the East! To all "WA reviewers" - we need to review our own magazines for ABR!
Helen Hagemann

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